Thursday, January 30, 2020

Journal #2

  • It’s not a car it’s a sky blue Subaru Legacy, with stained tan seats.
  • It’s not food it’s a turkey and cheese sandwich with toasted bread, lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles.
  • It’s not simply, music it’s alternative songs with deep lyrics that you can play on a late night drive with good friends. 
Seven Minute Writing:
I live in the middle of nowhere surrounded  by trees and wildlife. The nearest town is 30 minutes away and the biggest store is a Walmart. You learn quickly that when you drive your eyes always search for beady eyes looking back at you, so you don’t hit a deer on the small windy roads. As well as when you go to high school that there are two types of people, the ones who care about their academics and the ones who just plan to graduate and work for their family’s business. However, if you do consider yourself an academic student the competition is high because everyone is competing to be noticed. This small town allowed me to appreciate traveling and visiting big cities where the skyscrapers seemed to touch the sky. Where having multiple big name stores and a mall was a common thing for most people and how their are multiple styles of food other than your mom’s home cooking.

Sensory writing: “I’m from” poem. Pre-Writing:

  • Summer trips to Myrtle Beach
  • Blue, sand, shore, sea shells, sand buckets, shovels, little kids, popsicles, grill, pool, water, deep, car rides, taffy, cooler, ice, bathing suit, swim trunks, hats, sunscreen, sunglasses, flip flops, sunburn, waves, curly hair, family, friends, kites
  • Salty, sweet, burgers and hot dogs, movie night popcorn, coconut sunscreen, home cooking, Gatorade, lemonade, sweet tea, sea food, ice cream, popsicles 
  • crashing waves, shouting, splashing, bubbles, seagulls, wind, thunder, rain, clapping, singing, laughter, crackling of fire, ocean breeze 
  • Swimming, drawing, sand buckets and shovels, uno, board games, old movies, live music, karaoke, jumping over waves, hide and seek, ping pong, tie dye, cooking

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Journal #1

Hello, my name is Arianna Harr and I am studying accounting for my future career. I grew up in a small town at the the edge of Pennsylvania named Bedford where the most popular restaurant we had was a Denny’s.  I lived in a house where every season had their own set of decorations because my my mom loved to craft, where you can always here the constant little taps of paws against wooden floors, and a messy workshop where there was always a new project. To my family our two dogs are just as important as everyone else and their names are Guinness and Penelope.

Sometimes living with my family can be crazy, having two pets, my mom who always tries to multitask and ends up burning dinner, and my dad and little sister who are always in a competition things can be a mess. However, I was still able to find my happy place in music and art, I find that when I become overwhelmed with school work or just need some time alone, I go to drawing. Usually it’s just little doodles or coloring nothing incredible, but it helps me relax and that’s all that matters. I also enjoy traveling to new places because of the food and beautiful photos you can capture with a camera.

Seven minute writings: