Monday, April 13, 2020

Eco-friendly lifestyle

Do the benefits of an Eco-friendly life style out way the costs?
It is a post/blog written by Kathy and it discusses why Eco-friendly products cost more then regular items. The main reason why they are so expensive is because of increased manufacturing costs, Eco-friendly products use sustainable material that cost more to grow and manufacture the regular products. However, if there was an increase in demand for these products it would cause the cost to go down. When a product has a low demand, it costs the company more to produce it, which is  why the company raises the price. As citizens we can change this by buying more Eco friendly products to create a higher demand. So basically Eco-friendly products may be considered expensive now, but if more people switch life styles, products will become less expensive.
This article believes that even though Eco-friendly can be expensive, the long term benefits outweigh the short term costs involved. For example, foods that are considered Eco-friendly and organic cost more, but they can help you improve your health causing you to spend less money on doctors and medication. The article also discusses Eco-friendly energy, and how we could decrease fossil fuels and how this could benefit out planet in the future. In conclusion, the article agrees that this type of life style is expensive, but you have to treat it as an investment for the future.
This article written by Kristi discusses the pros and cons of Eco-friendly products. One pro is the going Eco-friendly could help you save money in the the long term. For example, Eco-friendly appliances typically lower your energy and utility bills by using less water and power. Another pro is the health benefits. Organic products are less processed and contain less chemicals, resulting in better health. Some con are  that they can be difficult to purchase because depending on where you live your local stores may not sell them. Also, these products can be inconvenient, especially when it comes to single use items such as coffee pods. This article understands that it is difficult for a person to be completely Eco-friendly, but it is important as citizen to try our best.

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