Thursday, February 20, 2020

Counterculture critique

This is a image on adbusters that really grabbed my attention. It ties into a quote that Kilbourne said which is “we are all effected by advertisements.” Most of us are able to recognize the brands that are shown on the left of the photo, but unless we took the time to study plants in high school, we can’t name most of these leaves. The reason why is advertisements are constantly shoved into our face and we may not realize it, but it consumes most of our daily lives. Their on websites, television, the games we play, music, and YouTube videos. What’s sad is it’s not just adults, Kilbourne said that “Babies of the age of six months can recognize corporate logos and companies are starting to to target this age group.” There is no reason why a 6 month year old baby needs to know what the Nike logo looks like. It’s hard to ignore advertisements when they are everywhere.

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