Tuesday, February 25, 2020

In class writing 2/25

There is a lack of diversity in TV showed and movies, which can have a negative impact on younger audience. If you look at shows like Doc McStuffins, there are lots of positives such a black female lead, a stay at home dad, and what it’s teaching kids, but there isn’t enough of this in social media. We also discussed how media can shape people, such as using influencers or celebrities to get people to buy products. As well as the negative effects social media has on younger females. However, things are starting to change, but only slightly. I think for there to be a serious change all production companies must be working to make that change, not just a couple changes in one or two movies or shows.

Seven Minute Writing:
Social Media has a huge influence on our day to day lives without us even realizing it. We want people to like and follow us, but sometimes that means not being yourself completely. People want to see the good things, like going on vacation, eating delicious food, or a cute puppy. However, these things all cost money and it’s difficult for the average person to post these type of photos. Lots of people argued during class that your real account and second account is still you, but I completely disagree. For example, my good friend from high school has two accounts, one that is public and on that is private and they are completely different. On her public account she posts photos about her vacations or how she went to this cute little cafe. Her pictures are alway perfectly positioned, with good lighting, makeup done, and her hair is all fancy. She poses seriously, no smile, trying to show off he figure and facial features, almost trying to grab people’s attention. However, her private account is completely different, she posts simple photos from her house, she is wearing an oversized sweatshirt, messy bun, no makeup, glasses, and no makeup. These photos look way more realistic and more genuine, she actually looks happy and she usually has some cheesy quote at the bottom. I know that this isn’t true for everyone when they own two accounts, but that’s how most people accounts are set up. It’s kinda sad in my opinion, that people on social media feel like they can’t be themselves.

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